Saturday, March 27, 2010

Biomimicry for Your Body!

During today's FLOW exercise (which I actually enjoyed quite a bit), I couldn't help but come to a realization during the portion when we transferred from being the apple to being the tree.  What caught my attention was when Dr. Anderson said something along the lines of, "Now imagine that you're the tree.  Feel the weight of your trunk.  Feel the strength necessary to support all the individual branches, each supporting the weight of multiple apples."

Although this was simply part of the FLOW exercise, I immediately related this thought to my fitness regime.  Although I am guilty (like many young men) of often focusing my workouts on the "vanity muscles," I have made a conscious effort to focus more of my attention towards my "core (i.e. mid-section and lower back)."  From what I understand, working out your core is important not because it helps you achieve those dreamy washboard abs, but because the core is where one derives their strength- the very strength that allows one to run faster, jump higher, and push harder.

This might not be a textbook example of biomimicry, but I was able to use the concept to relate the goals of my strength training regimen to the natural physical strength found in the world around us.  As bizarre as it might sound, I should strive to achieve the strength of the average tree.  If I can achieve the trunk to branch strength ratio of a tree, I should have no problem beating my opponents on the field or court- the same way an apple tree has no problem supporting the weight of its branches and apples.

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